Emacsen's Blog

The Role of the Fringe

I'm in the process of reading In The Land of Invented Languages- an excellent book I will write more about. For this post, I want to focus on how Esperanto's community is like our Free Software/Free Culture community and the role of the fringe element.

Reading about Esperanto and …

The Scoop on Cat Litter

It's time to take a break from the high minded to the mundane. Today I'm doing a review of cat litter!

I have two wonderful cats, one male and one female, both about one year old, both about 7lbs, and both adopted from the ASPCA.Since I've owned cats as …

How Sirius/XM mis-handles customers

I had a recent experience with Sirius/XM that I think is a great lesson in how not to handle your customers.

Let's face it, Sirius/XM has an uphill battle in terms of entertainment. They have dozens of music channels, but a subscription to Pandora or Spotify will take …

You don't need to worry about GPS

GPS is virtually synonymous with navigation, but GPS exists at the whim of the US government, so shouldn't I be concerned? The answer is that I am somewhat concerned, but that I also do my part in trying to reduce our dependence on that system.

I'll venture to bet that …

Why the world needs OpenStreetMap

Every time I tell someone about OpenStreetMap, they inevitably ask "Why not use Google Maps?". From a practical standpoint, it's a reasonable question, but ultimately this is not just a matter of practicality, but of what kind of society we want to live in. I discussed this topic in a …

Learning Math Earlier With Computers

Writing the previous post got me thinking about the nature of how programmers use programs and how it relates to teaching in general.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a little prototype address book that accounted for my misspellings. The idea was that if someone had a name like …

Python for Adults

My girlfriend has always wanted to program. She even took C++ in high school and college, but never quite "Got it", leaving her with a bad taste for computers and programming. Still, when I lent her my copy of The Little Schemer, she took to it pretty easily, so I …


Wow, I must have really touched on something in my last post (Observations at a Python workshop), it's received over 20k unique visitors in the last twenty four hours, which is a lot from a blog which until yesterday, didn't exist.

For those people who don't know me, I thought …